Saturday, November 8, 2008

So life gets busy, and I don't think anyone REALLY reads this blog, except for my mom. And that makes me not want to write... or gives me excuses to be lazy about it. BUT I just joined an ornament swap (more to come later) and *gasp* I'm afraid people will look at my blog. So I'm going to try and be better at this.

Still no job, but because of that, I'm planning on going to Texas for Thanksgiving and Christmas... which is wonderful considering that when I was laid off, I didn't think I would be able to go. So yay God for working things out. And I've had some great time with some friends lately. So another yay God. =-) Now I just need to see my family. And that will be here before I know it.


Anonymous said...

Ha! I had to laugh because you said hello on my blog and now I am totally here looking at it :) I will add you to my blogroll if you want- and I will totally read this if it inspires you to start writing!

I am glad you joined the ornament exchange- its going to be fun!