Thursday, February 28, 2008

In less than a month

I will be with my family in Texas!!!

Jessi will get there on Monday and I'll join them on Thursday night. And we have 4 days together until Jessi and I leave on Monday night.

I can't wait to hear my mom say... "Look, all four of us are in the car together." (She LOVES us being together... and we always joke about how long it's going to take for her to say this.)

I can't wait to see where they live, and their church, and the small town they always talk about.

BABY... I can't wait to see baby. (Our family dog that is the best dog ever!)

THIS is what has gotten me through this crazy week at work. Knowing that I'm going there, even for just a short time, helps big time. That and the fact that we're going to NC next weekend. March is a month for going home. Home to NC, and home to where our parents are. (And no mom and Crystal... Texas is NOT home.)

I've been working out on our Easter set this week. I know one thing... if Marketing doesn't work out, I can have a career in flower arranging. Ugh! I've never seen so many fake flowers. In some ways this has been tougher than the Santa set. I think I was actually better at that. That was basically decorating for Christmas. This time it's using flowers and vines. Craziness. I love that my job responsibilities include so many random things. I'll be back out there tomorrow. And the sad thing is... I've gotta work Saturday for the Bunny Breakfast. I hate that during the holidays, my job becomes my life. I been so wrapped up in the silly Easter Bunny, that I haven't even thought about the real reason for Easter till just now. That's sad. I hate that! Granted, it doesn't feel like Spring, and Easter's so early this year... but still. =-(
Hopefully being at church and having the afternoon off to rest on Sunday will help put things back into perspective.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

My heart right now...

I've been visiting a new church the past two weeks, and have been led into a sweet place of worship both weeks. It's somewhere that I haven't been in a while, and it's been sweet.

This song has really touched my heart this week.
(the video is ok... but the song itself is what is so great.)

Work has been going well. I'm super busy with Easter things, but it makes life fun.

I've got some fun stuff coming up in the next few months or so.

~Jessi and I are headed to NC for the weekend next week. I'm nervous, sad, and excited all at once. The last time we were at the church was with our parents and while our dad was the preacher. It'll be weird to visit Eagle Heights with another pastor. But it'll be sweet to see everyone that we love.

~at the end of March, I'm headed to TEXAS!!! I can't wait to see my parents.

~At the end of May, some friends and I are headed to Miami.... so fun!!! It's bene so long since I've been to the beach.

~And in April I turn 26... so weird.

That's life right now. So many ways that God is at work.

Monday, February 25, 2008

my toe hurts

my friend tonight told me that I needed to update my blog... so here it is.

I'm tired. I'm a bit cranky. I stayed up too late watching the Oscars with my friend Faith last night and paid for it today. And now, my toe hurts. (Not sure about the toe. Must have hit it on something.) Random I know... but it's true.

I'm headed to bed. This week is going to be a crazy. The Easter Bunny arrives on Saturday, so we've gotta get the set finished. Yay for my crazy marketing job. You never know what you may have to do from day to day.

Friday, February 15, 2008

One of those days...

Did you ever have one of those days where you felt you couldn't do anything right? One that makes you question things like why God has you where you're at?

That was my day today. I just felt unsettled today. Like everything I did was wrong... and it wasn't. I actually did SOME good things today... but there were somethings in my job that I just couldn't get. Like something on the mall website was wrong. And it's something I put on there. And the big corporate people have no lives and roam all their malls websites looking for errors. Or something silly like forgetting something that was told to you as you're walking out the door two days ago. (This is why I have to write EVERYTHING down.) It just makes you feel like you're not good at your job... you know?

I'm so thankful that today is over. It's the weekend. I can "sleep in" tomorrow. I love not having to set the alarm clock.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy V-Day

I'm almost done with work and am off to a game night with some friends. I've never been big on Valentine's Day. My thought is that when you love someone... you show them all year long, not just one day. But I'm looking forward to hanging out with some girls and just having fun. I'm sure there'll be laughing all night long!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The strike is over...

This means that my favorite show comes back! Can I tell you how much I LOVE this show. The people in my office think that I'm crazy for liking this show. They don't get it. They make fun of me because I love it so much. But I DON'T CARE. This show makes me laugh so much. I'm laughing now thinking about some of my favorite scenes. So yay for The Office. I've missed you!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


There is something about the age 25. I've been this age since last year... and in April, I'll be 26. Turning 25 was really weird for me, and my sister. I remember after my b-day she called and was freaking out because I was 25 and how old that was to her. =-) She was just freaked out because that meant that this year she was turning 25.

I think 25 has always been a milestone for me. When I was younger, I looked at people who were 25 and thought... "Man, I can't wait to be 25." I thought I would be settled, probably living in NC, married with kids on the way. CRAZY stuff like that. None of these things have happened. I am settled in my job (but it's not my heart). I'm not in NC (but neither are my parents). And I am definitely not married with kids on the way.

I remember going to my roommates wedding in PA last summer. There were several of us in the car, and of course, we were sharing our hearts... but mainly we were laughing... A LOT. (Now that I think back on it... that was one FUN trip!) Two of the girls are married and the other one is just out of college and still trying to figure things out. We got to talking about the age of 25 and how at this point in life... you've learned who you are and are ok with it. I agreed with them because I could see how I was starting this process.

Now looking back, this year has been a year of revelations. I have seen who I am... and learned that I'll never be "good enough" I'll never be perfect. But I am who I am... And I am good with that. Yes, there are things I want to change in my life. And I am beginning this process. But for now... What you see is what you get.

A little about me:
~I'm a dork. I can't help it. I've learned to embrace this.
~I love to laugh and probably sometimes laugh too much. Especially at work.
~I love my family. They are my support system.
~I love my friends. They are a part of my family.
~I have a crafty side. It comes and goes... but it's there.
~I love the Lord... but am not where I want to be with Him. (One of the areas changing in my life.)
~I love serving God through children's ministry at my church. But am enjoying this break from it... but miss it like crazy at the same time.
~I know that no church is perfect.... but struggle seeing the flaws in my church... which makes me question where God has me.
~I love to escape in a good book or a good movie.

Just some random tid-bits.

I'm so thankful that tomorrow is Wednesday. The past two days have been sooo long!
Yay for hump-day!

Monday, February 4, 2008

time for bed

I've been playing with a new layout... but it's way past my bedtime...

I'll be regretting this in the morning, but I like the new look of things... very artsy. If only I was artistic in real life. =-)

Let me know what you think!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

I smell with my nose...

Today I has been all about smells for me. At least tonight has been.

Today was a good day. I spent the morning finishing up my mom's b-day gift. Her b-day was on Thursday, but I had to put some finishing touches on it today so it'll go out first thing Monday morning. I promise mom... it'll be worth the wait! This is unlike any gift I've ever given. It's so great to give something to someone and be so excited about it.

Then this afternoon I went to a movie with my good friend Crystal. We saw 27 Dresses... it was very cute and girlie. Exactly what I was in the mood for. James Marsden was a nice treat! Then we met her husband for dinner... and had the best dinner ever! Ruby Tuesdays' Avocado Turkey Burger is the best burger ever. And we split chocolate cake with strawberries for desert. We laughed a lot. We talked a lot. It was a lot of fun. I love them! God has blessed me with great friends!

We went our separate ways and I ended up at Target. This isn't that big of a surprise. I love to walk the aisles and look at things. While I was there... I kept getting distracted by smells. I found some lotion that is amazing! It had the little red sticker... so of course I had to get it. (No I didn't need it, but It was a good buy so I'm happy.) Then I went to pick out some dryer sheets (random I know...) and found the best smelling ones. I wanted to buy them to put around my apartment just to smell good but I didn't. I can't wait for Tuesday to use them on my laundry.

Now I'm at home with soft, good smelling skin... getting ready to read my book and go to bed.

Friday, February 1, 2008

There was ice, but I'm still here:

Yes... this is my office, and yes... it is pink! (My boss had this office before me, and she picked the color out. I think it would hurt her feelings for me to change it. Plus we didn't BUDGET for it this year. =-) )