Thursday, November 29, 2007

Little Blessings

I'm so thankful for friends who love and encourage me at all times in life. In the good times and bad, I am blessed with Godly friends who love me. It gives me hope that things are going to get better.

Today I had a chance to be reminded of that. I met with a friend during my lunch, and she took time out of her day to go over what it would take to get me on a budget. She told me what I need to do, how I need to do it, and that she's there to help me while I do it. She listened while I shared my heart about how I suck at this. She listened while I shared how God and I are doing. She shared with me some things that she's been going through. She shared with me how God has used being on a budget in her life. She opened her heart to me and for that I am blessed. I left to go back to work thinking... "Lord... I am so blessed. Thank you for that. I don't deserve it, yet you still do it."

Isn't it amazing how God gives us things we don't deserve. I look at areas in my life... things I struggle with... and some-days I don't think I can make it through another day. And then I have a day like today where I am able to see a blessing from God in my life right now. Those moments shine through the dark ones. I need these moments. I cling to them right now. They give me that hope.

This friend today reminded me that it's not God that I'm fighting. We're fighting against satan... the ruler of the darkness. I think I need to look at what I'm going through at God at work in my life... and this is me fighting satan. Because if I don't work on these areas... i'm giving satan control, not God... and that's the last thing I want. I may be struggling with my desires of the things of Christ, but in my heart, I know my desire is to follow God and be in His will.

I am blessed.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

It's Been a While

So it's been a while since I've written. Work has been CRAZY... Life has been CRAZY... It's hard for me to sit down and not just want to crash when I get home everyday. Spiritually I'm not doing so great. I actually had a good talk with God about why I'm feeling this way about Christmas and Life and my parent's moving and stuff. I've been emotional for a while about this all... and honestly haven't really had a desire for the things of God like I want or need to. I know better, but it's been a phase i've been going through and I haven't known how to change it. I still don't really know how, but i see things moving up. I'm not exactly sure where God is in it right now... but I talked to Him tonight for the first time in a while... and that's a step in the right direction right? I sure hope so.

I'm ready for this holiday season to be over. My job makes the Holiday's not so fun... so needless to say I'm ready for a break.

I realize that no one will really read this until I let people know about it... but I still want to put some stuff on here about me... so here goes:

i love to laugh
i love to spend time with my friends
i am blessed with amazing parents
i love my sister and would do ANYTHING for her
i love musicals
i love The Office
i secretly want to be a gilmore girl
spring is my favorite season
my life's desire is to be a wife and mom
i'm thankful for my job, but hate that it is so stressful
i love crash
i hate ironing
sometimes i snort when i laugh... embarrassing
when i love people, i love them with my whole heart
i'm a big dork and am ok with it
i hate secrets
when i was younger i wanted to sing and be famous
i love to travel
i have a heart for missions, but am struggling to see it right now
i suck at keeping in touch with people
i can't wait to meet the man God has in store for me
i love God with ALL my heart

That's me. I'll try to do better with this thing. I really love reading other peoples, and I think it'll be easier when I know people are reading it.

Anyways... I'm sleepy and cranky. I need my bed!!!!