Thursday, January 31, 2008

boo ice

they're calling for ice again tomorrow.... UGH... I don't mind the snow. It's not so bad to drive in, but I HATE ice. Take the ice and bring us snow. Oh wait... nevermind, bring us spring. I'm ready!
oh yeah... and some schools are closed already and NOTHING has happened yet. Gotta love the South.

Deep in the Heart of Texas

I bought my first of many plane tickets to Texas today. I've still got mixed emotions about Texas and all... but I see how God is starting to change my heart. So other than the fact that it's not home... I'm sooo excited to see my parents. Where they live, the church, the town... things like this. It's not going to be the same... but I still can't wait!!! I am blessed with some of the BEST parents in the world. Mom... the end of March isn't that far. I promise it'll be here before we know it!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

follow up

I was looking at my blog, and I realized that there were a couple of posts that I didn't follow up on. So here it is... what everyone has been waiting for.... follow up to several of my previous posts.

Cell Phone..

On Sunday, I went to d-ville and got a new phone. I ended up getting the Hue. (It's the red one that my dad has.) There were some issues with it on Monday, and by Tuesday morning, they had to give me a new one. No biggie, just more of a pain that anything. Ends up I really like it and am happy with my choice. Plus I saved a pretty good amount of money with this one.

Snow Day...

Thursday was a wonderful snow day. My boss called me and told me to stay in. (gotta love that). So I went out and took some food to some friends that just had a baby. So fun! Came home and went to visit some friends that live in my building, and they wanted me to go to dinner with them... so I went, and we came home and watched a movie together. A good time was had by all. (inside joke with my parents. =-)) I could've come into work, but it was nice to have a day off to enjoy the snow.

Goals for 08...

I've been doing well with most of my goals. The big one that I'm working on right now is the water. It's actually been good and kinda fun to see how much water I can drink in a day. Weird I know... but I've gotta make it fun somehow.

That's all for now. I'll try and write more later. I'm house-sitting and I want to share some of my fun adventures!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Words from God through Emily

I went home (or to the home that I am house-sitting right now) for lunch... I'm having some issues with my new phone and had to go get the paperwork so I can return it for a new one... only to learn that all the alltel stores are closed for MLK. Wonderful!!!

I logged onto my e-mail to see that my friend Emily had written on my facebook wall. (Terrible, but wonderful addiction.) She's a friend through a friend, and I love her... I just don't see her often. It had been probably a year or so since I saw her before this last time over the holidays... so that tells you about our relationship. We live in the same town, but have different lives. Kinda sad when put that way...

Anyways... this is what she wrote me...

Just wanted to encourage you with a verse that's meant a lot to me this week!
Lamentations 3:22-25
Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
I say to myself, "The LORD is my portion;
therefore I will wait for him."
The LORD is good to those whose hope is in him,
to the one who seeks him;
Love you!

That was her note. We're friends... and I share my heart freely with her when we're together, but we don't have a lot of moments together. But she has no idea what God has been doing in my heart. She has no idea how much I needed to read this today. She didn't... but God did. (I also cheated/stalked and looked to see if she wrote it on other people's walls... and nope.. just me!)

Isn't it cool how God does things like that!!!

I need to work on my schedule and make time for this friend. I love her!

Thursday, January 17, 2008


This is what I woke up to this morning...

My boss and I are waiting to see if it stops before we decide to go into work.
(Probably around lunch time.)

I love that I live in the south... schools were closed last night before anything happened. This was always wonderful when I was younger and in school. Now it just means that all my teacher friends get days off, and I still have to go into work. =-( Not so fun now.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

I need a change in thinking

I had a girl that was going to work for me over the holidays just as seasonal help. When we hired her she said that she could work "anytime". My instinct said that she wasn't what we were looking for, but I thought I was being too judgmental. We ended up hiring her, but it was a big mistake. She showed up twice, and then just stopped. It started out that there was always something... her child was sick. She was sick. She had to take her daughter to the hospital. Stuff like that. Then she just stopped showing up. By that time I had taken her off the schedule so it wasn't a big deal.
(One of the sad things about this was that I didn't believe her. When you have people working for you, you learn how to read people.)
She finally brought in her keys today (2 months later). She apologized for taking too long (I have been calling her every couple of days for a while now), and claimed that when you've got an abusive husband, it's hard to get away. I didn't know what to say. I just said... "ok, let me get you that number you needed." I walked back to my office and my first reaction was to roll my eyes and judge her. Just because she's been a crappy worker, doesn't mean that she's not being honest about her husband. Where is the ministry that I've been called to? I still think she was probably making up excuses, and I was nice to her, but why is my first reaction to something like that... "liar"?
I don't have the answers to these questions... hopefully insight and change will come soon.

Goals for 08

I've never really been big on resolutions. I always make them... and never follow through. Or get to realize once again... that there are some things that I just stink at. So this year I was praying about resolutions... wanting God to be a part of this "new year". And He showed me... it's not about resolutions. If you wanna change something, don't wait for the new year. Start today! It doesn't matter when you start something... it's that you do it. Anyways... so this year I didn't make any resolutions... I made myself some goals. And I tried to keep them so that they were attainable. We'll see...

  • Be on time. (this is something I've ALWAYS struggled with... from birth I believe. It seems that I'm always late these days. I want to change this.)
  • Do better at keeping in touch with friends. (Again... something that I suck at. Just ask my friends. But i've started on a good foot. I called a couple of friends that I haven't talked to in a while. It was wonderful to catch up with them.)
  • Budget! (This is another area of my life that I've struggled with most of my life... At least since I was old enough to have money. I was the one who always spent the money while my sister is the saver. I started my budget last year... and so far it's going ok. I still struggle with it obviously, but it's something God has asked me to do so I must do it.)
  • Visit Texas ASAP and as much as possible. I'm trying to change my attitude about that state... really I am.
  • Be happy with where God has me. And if not... pray for a change.
  • As always... get healthy. And actually... I'm starting this goal off simple. Starting yesterday, I'm giving up real soda and I'm only allowed one diet soda a day. (this is big for me somedays). Other than that... it's H2O for me. There are some exceptions to this rule. If I'm eating out... water. But if it's Mexican... ONE diet soda (no refills) I can't handle the spice with just water. And on weekends... I'm allowed ONE can or small sized regular soda. My goal with this is to start out simple... and then make more changes. And maybe there are a lot of exceptions... but it's a start right?

These may be added to on a later date... but for now this is it. I'll keep you updated on how they are going. =-)

Thursday, January 10, 2008

rainy day

Today I called in sick to work. Not because I'm really sick, mainly because I needed (or wanted) a day off to myself. I've got some comp/holiday days that I've got to take before the end of the month, so I'll be ok and get paid for it...

I have done nothing important today and it has been WONDERFUL! I took a nap. I finished my book. I caught up on Pushing Daisy's online. And tonight is the last new Grey's for a while. So it's been a good day. I haven't answered my phone... (i did call my sister back though). I'm looking at the stack of book on my coffee table and I can't decide which one to read next. I'm going to fix soup for dinner and stay in and enjoy the warmth of my house.

Tomorrow is Friday!!! Thank the Lord. I'll be up to my knees in cleaning. (I get to wear grubby clothes i.e. jeans). It's January and the Mall is dead. It'll be a good time to clean out and throw away junk that has accumulated throughout the years. I'm actually looking forward to it!
Have a great weekend!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Next on the List

This is the next book by this author. It continues with some of the same characters. I can't wait to read it. Now if someone would only put it on book mooch.

The Guy I'm Not Dating

I went to Barnes and Noble yesterday in the search of a cd. I found that cd, but I also found my new favorite book. It's called "The Guy I'm Not Dating." It was so wonderful that I almost stayed home from work today just to finish it. (I've got a couple of days I need to take off in the month of Jan.) =-)

Anyways... I LOVED this book. The story is about a girl who decides to "give up" dating and then meets the man of her dreams, and how they allow God to lead them together instead of letting their emotions and desires get in the way. I've always liked the idea of courtship when dating... and this book makes me like it even more. YES... I know that it's just a book, but I love it when the Lord speaks to you through random things that you're not looking for him in. It's one of those stories that makes you feel good.. and I'm a sucker for those types of things.

The problem with books, movies, things like these are that when I read/watch them, they make me want a husband really bad. And this is something that I'm working with God on. It's like I wrote about earlier... I need to be ok with where God has me... but not ok with where I am with God. God has me here for a reason. I am single for a reason. I am in a job that I don't love for a reason. All of these are great reminders for me to truly trust God. In HIS timing. Yeah... it's hard. Somedays I wanna take things into my own hands. And sometimes I do. That's the great thing about God. He forgives unconditionally and teaches us through these times. Oh how great to know that God is in control. (if only I could make this feeling last past the next five minutes.) =-)

Sunday, January 6, 2008

New Phone

I hate my phone right now. It randomly dies... doesn't charge unless it's in the car... goes in and out of service area (in areas that it's always had service)... junk like that.

So I'm in the process of switching to Alltel, but I can't decide on a phone.
Here are some choices... Let me know what you think!

This is my first choice I think... the only problem is that it's kinda like a Razor...
and that's what I have right now and I've recently had a lot of problems with it. =-/

This is my second choice... my dad has it... but I don't LOVE it.

I've got some friends who have this one... but I'm not that impressed with the quality...
Maybe I'm too picky.

Or... do I go with something fancy like this?

I can't decide... and this is something that I need to do this week. I wish we had Verizon here... They have the BEST phones.. and I'm really happy with the service I've had.

Crazy Weekend with Friends

This past weekend was a fun filled weekend... one of those that you look forward to when you have nothing to do, but makes you thankful for the ones where you nothing to do also. It also made me realize how blessed I am to have certain friends in my life. One in particular... I spent quite a lot of time with her because her husband has been out of town... but I am just so blessed to have friends that know me... really know me (the good and the bad stuff) and love me still. She is one of those people.

On Friday I went to see Juno with this friend... I have some mixed emotions about this movie. I think in some ways they tried to hard to make it an indie movie. And I can't decide if it glorified teenage pregnancies... So I guess the jury is still out on this one.

Saturday I had the pleasure to see one of my good friends marry the person that God created her for. I mean they are so perfect for each other it's almost sick. But cute at the same time. It was a small wedding.. and she only invited a small amount of people, so it was an honor just to be invited.

Here are some pics of the wedding.
The happy couple.

The first dance.

Some of the group...
Andy, Andy, Me and Jess

Crys, Liz and Me.
I love those girls!

Jaden with his Auntie Sundi.
~He melts my heart.

Today after church we had a b-day party for another friend who turned 25. It was fun. Her husband planned this game where we had to draw or act out 25 of her favorite places, and when she guessed them, she got a gift card from the place. Great idea and a lot of fun!

The birthday girl and her hubby... too cute.

I also got to talk to a couple of good friends that I hadn't talked to in a while. One of them (Steph) had just gotten back from New Zealand, so it was good to hear about her time there. It made me wanna go back so bad though. I was able to share my heart with PJ... and it is so good when God speaks to you through a friend. He shared with me something that God gave him... and it really spoke to me.
"Don’t be ok with where you are with God… Be ok with where God has you."
So true... and what I really needed to hear tonight.

Not ready to go back to work... but hey... gotta make a living somehow right?!?!

Saturday, January 5, 2008


I just finished watching Once. It was one of those movies that it starts out slow, but if you stick with it it's worth it. Plus I'm one of those people that when I start a movie/book, I want to finish it no matter how good or bad it may be. So I stuck with it with this movie... and man I am glad that I did. It had one of those endings that you're both happy and sad about at the same time.

But I think the thing that got me the most about this movie was the music. It's what made the movie good for me. Some of it was hard to follow, or at least it was for me. But the music in this movie was AMAZING!!! I would recommend this movie just to hear the music in it...

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Morning Intentions

This morning was the first time I had spent time with God in some time. I've been in this place where I didn't like things going on around me, but I didn't know how to change. If you read my previous post, you can kinda see the beginnings of this change in my heart.

I had the best plan last night. I got home around 9:45ish, and didn't turn the TV on. (It can always be quite the distraction.) I got ready for bed, determined to be in at 10pm. I had to wash my coffee pot to get it ready for this morning, so I made it around 10:15. I set the alarm for 6am. I really wanted to get up and have my time with God before I came into work. I woke up several times in the night... the last one was right before my first alarm went off. (I set 2 at different times so that I have to get out of bed. Somedays it helps, other days I don't know HOW I get up.) So I turned it off waiting for the 2nd one. By the time that one went off, I was in lala land dreaming of Tina Fey and that we taught school together. (it was a weird dream). So of course... I didn't get up by 6am... more like 7am. UGH!!! So I knew that I would still have time to read my Bible if I hurried with my shower. I turned the news on to see the weather as I was drying my hair... and got my Bible and dug in.

Can I just say that I LOVED it!!! I got so much out of what I read. I even took the time (which made me late for work) to write out the verses on an index card with me so I could look over them throughout the day.

This is a little of what I read.

Trust God from the bottom of your heart:
don't try to figure out everything on your own.
Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go;
he's the one who will keep you on track.
Don't assume that you know it all.
Run to God! Run from evil!
Your body will glow with health,
your very bones will vibrate with life!
Honor God with everything you own;
give him the first and the best.
Your barnds with burst,
your wine vats will brim over.
But don't, dear friend, resent God's discipline;
don't sulk under his loving correction.
It's the child he loves that God corrects;
a father's delight is behind all this.
Proverbs 3:5-12
From The Message Remix

The beginning of this chapter talks about Love (kindness) and Loyalty. I've got a Life Application Study Bible that had this about these two.
Loyalty and Kindness are important character qualities. Both involve actions as well as attitudes. A loyal person acts responsibly. A kind person works for justice for others. Thoughts and words are not enough - our life reveals whether we are truly loyal and kind.

This was how God spoke to me this morning. It made me excited to get back in the Word. It made me want to MAKE myself get up tomorrow morning NO MATTER WHAT!!! It was good.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

It's been forever since I wrote on this thing. If you read this e-mail that I wrote some friends this morning, you'll see why. It kinda shows where I'm at. It's not always easy to write about the bad stuff.

so I've been thinking about how much I don't like my job. just the stress and crap that goes on. the ways that people are treated around the office... stuff like that.
and i've been thinking about how my dream job has always been to be in the ministry. and with where my walk with Christ is right now... I'm in no mindset to be in ministry. so it makes me want to do better... to change my attitude about God and what He's been up to in my life. I've always known that He's at work, but I've wanted nothing to do with it at times.
so needless to say... i've been reminded that if my dream job... life goal is to be in ministry in some way... I've got to be preparing for it where i'm at right now. I do want to get out of this job... i don't know when... but eventually. and if i want my next job to be doing ministry... i've got to get right with Christ. (i feel like i'm saying something that my aunt would say and she's very legalistic.) BUT... I know that what i've been going through is a time of growth... something that i've needed to go through to see how much i really need CHRIST. and it's a choice of mine to allow myself to stay here... or I can move.... closer to Christ preferably...
That's where I'm at. Just wanted to share!
Thanks for listening.