Monday, November 17, 2008

oh yeah...

If you look to the right of the page, you will see the ornament exchange that I signed up for.
Today I ordered my ornament from etsy to be sent to my exchange buddy.

I hope she likes it! I always try to get things that I would like if I were that person... and not knowing this person... well let's just say it was hard to decide.
But I'm really happy with what she's getting. =-)

I'll post pictures after I know that she's received it.

We shall see what she thinks!

And her name is Tara and this is her blog. Check it out!

the magic of oatmeal

The other night I went to walmart... Sidebar: I hate that place by the way. The prices are better than most grocery stores, but it's always so crowded and I leave there feeling tired and cranky. But they do usually have the most options for your basic stuff. While I was there I saw oatmeal. Now I haven't had oatmeal in years. We hardly ever ate it as kids. (I think my mom doesn't like it.) But when I lived in New Zealand, we ate it all the time. And I remember liking it a lot there. So when I saw it the other night, I had to get some. Plus it was cold and rainy outside and it made me want it even more. In New Zealand we would get plain oatmeal and flavor to taste, but seeing that the majority of my apartment is in boxes, I have no idea where those "flavors" would be. So I got the variety pack to see which ones I liked. So for the past several mornings, I've been enjoying a nice bowl of oatmeal. Strange how we get on kicks where we want certain foods huh? In New Zealand we would get plain oatmeal and flavor to taste, but seeing that the majority of my apartment is in boxes, I have no idea where those "flavors" would be. What's your breakfast of choice these days?

ps... I also got the pumkin spice flavored kind. I generally love most things pumpkin, but this stuff not so much. So if anyone wants some pumkin oatmeal to try let me know!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Christmas in Texas?!?!?!

So tonight I was talking with a friend, and we were talking about me making the decision to come back after Thanksgiving or stay in Texas and come back after Christmas. This is something I've been praying about/thinking through a lot lately. And I keep going back and forth on it. Why am I so indecisive? I hate making decisions about things. I'm always the last to order in a restaurant, and don't ask me what I think about something because generally I have to analyze it to give you a good answer. Sometimes it's not that bad, but most of the time... yeah, it's that bad.

I leave for Texas in a week and a half, so this is something I need to decide soon. I'm just afraid of missing a job opportunity or something. Plus my friend told me that she thinks if I go, I won't want to come back... and I don't see that happening... but could she be right?!?!?! Oh so many things to consider.

Last week at church we were given this to consider when making a major (or minor) decision.
"What would someone in my position do, if they were completely confident that God was with them?"
This question has stuck with me all week. What would someone do if they were confident that God was with them? Why am I not confident that God is with me? Sometimes it's easy to see the "right" thing to do... but what about when things could go either way?
Oh why do I have to be so indecisive?!?!?!

Thanks for listening to my thought process. Please pray that God gives me direction the first part of this week. Yeah... That would be great!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Life gets crazy sometimes, and sometimes it's not crazy enough.

The past few days have been full of fun times with friends, catching up with "old" friends, going to new places, dinner and games with friends that I hadn't seen in a while, etc.
I had fully planned on this past weekend being rather chill, but it wasn't that way at all.

BUT... it made me thankful for my friends and so glad that God wants me here rather than in Texas.

Church Sunday morning was amazing and we were asked this question...
"What would someone in my situation do if they were absolutely confident that God was with them?"
We looked at the life of Joseph and how even with all that he went though, (being sold into slavery, being falsely accused by Pharaoh's wife and thrown into prison, etc) God was with him and blessed him. Click here and here for more info.

That's all that's going on in life right now.

Sunday, November 9, 2008


So I played around with my blog, trying to give it a new look. I like the width of this setting, but I would like a different background maybe. Still trying to figure things out, so any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
But because I've been playing around, my link boxes are gone. Sad day, but hopefully tomorrow I'll get on here and fix things. It was way past time I updated those things anyways.
Until then...

Saturday, November 8, 2008

This weekend...

It's only Saturday night, and I feel so blessed already!

I made a kinda major decision yesterday (the kind that family may not understand but just have to trust that you're following God on it). I've had mixed reviews from the fam, but great responses from my friends who see and agree with my point of view. So now because of that, I get to go to Texas for Thanksgiving and Christmas... And then today my dad calls and asks me to come at Thanksgiving and stay through Christmas. So that's a fun possiblity. I've got to pray it through though. I don't want to be in Texas if someone calls and wants to interview me for a job. Plus I would miss the Christmas things I wanted to do with my friends here. BUT it's not like I have a job, and I could help my parents move into their new house... and when am I ever going to be able to spend time like this with them. So please pray that I make the best decision all around.

Last night I hung out with the girls. We had dinner then met up with my sister (and friends) who were in town for the night. My friends hadn't really met my sister, so that was fun. And it was cool for my friends here to meet some of my friends from d-ville. Then we came back to my place and we just hung out. It ended up being a sleepover. =-) And it's been forever since I've had one of those.
Then today I went to a financial seminar at my church. It lasted ALL DAY... but it was good. And one of my friends went with, so we laughed a lot.

Tonight some friends that I hadn't talked to in a long time called and we all met up for dinner and went and played games at their house. They have a soon to be one year old and he's so big!! It's weird to me that so many of my friends have had babies in the past year and a half. It kinda freaks me out!
But it was so good to catch up with them and laugh and crack jokes on each other. It was a blast.

Tomorrow it's off to church then home to chill for the rest of the day. I'm looking forward to that.

It's weekends like this that make me see how blessed I am to live where I live and have the friends that I have. I mean I miss my parents, but I'm an adult and need to be on my own right now. I'm so thankful for the way God shows us things. Fun!

So life gets busy, and I don't think anyone REALLY reads this blog, except for my mom. And that makes me not want to write... or gives me excuses to be lazy about it. BUT I just joined an ornament swap (more to come later) and *gasp* I'm afraid people will look at my blog. So I'm going to try and be better at this.

Still no job, but because of that, I'm planning on going to Texas for Thanksgiving and Christmas... which is wonderful considering that when I was laid off, I didn't think I would be able to go. So yay God for working things out. And I've had some great time with some friends lately. So another yay God. =-) Now I just need to see my family. And that will be here before I know it.