Monday, November 17, 2008

oh yeah...

If you look to the right of the page, you will see the ornament exchange that I signed up for.
Today I ordered my ornament from etsy to be sent to my exchange buddy.

I hope she likes it! I always try to get things that I would like if I were that person... and not knowing this person... well let's just say it was hard to decide.
But I'm really happy with what she's getting. =-)

I'll post pictures after I know that she's received it.

We shall see what she thinks!

And her name is Tara and this is her blog. Check it out!


taralynn819 said...

You are SO sweet! The ornament is adorable! The exchange was a great idea, thanks to Kate! I didn't see an address on the envelope or I would have sent a thank you card! But it's nice to "meet" you through your blog! Hope we can keep in touch!
