Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Life gets crazy sometimes, and sometimes it's not crazy enough.

The past few days have been full of fun times with friends, catching up with "old" friends, going to new places, dinner and games with friends that I hadn't seen in a while, etc.
I had fully planned on this past weekend being rather chill, but it wasn't that way at all.

BUT... it made me thankful for my friends and so glad that God wants me here rather than in Texas.

Church Sunday morning was amazing and we were asked this question...
"What would someone in my situation do if they were absolutely confident that God was with them?"
We looked at the life of Joseph and how even with all that he went though, (being sold into slavery, being falsely accused by Pharaoh's wife and thrown into prison, etc) God was with him and blessed him. Click here and here for more info.

That's all that's going on in life right now.