Friday, April 25, 2008

i love my job... i love my job... i love my job...

If I keep repeating it will it make it true?!?!?!

Today has just been one of those days. There was drama with the secretary, and drama with security taking chairs that aren't theirs to take (without asking and it is for a personal party mind you!)

Oh goodness... everything is getting me upset today. I hate our security right now.

I'm not going to go into details... but PEOPLE SUCK!! And I know that means me also... and yes, sometimes I suck... but not today. It's making me cranky!!!

I just want this day to end...

Thankfully tonight is a girls night at a friends house. Hopefully it'll be fun... I need to get away from things here. It's time for a vacation. Is 26 too early to retire?

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

More Please

I stole this title from a friend... but it still applies to me.

Lately I've been thinking a lot about life and how I don't feel content where God has me. I keep telling the GOD OF THE UNIVERSE that I want more. I want a better place to live, I want a washer and dryer, I want a better paying job, I want a nicer car... There are so many things that I THINK I want. "Think" being the key word here. God has given me so much already... He has blessed me with so many things... and yet I still want more. What's up with that? 2 weeks ago we watched a sermon from Louie Giglio about Prayer. (It's called prayer remix and has totally changed my ways of praying). He showed us how we ask for these little things when in comparison, God has given us all these big things and we're not using them. The way he showed this was throught gifts. He had a present... one present. And talked about this being what we want from God. It was a nice present and probably had something nice in side. (Not literaly, just figuratively.) But Louie wanted us to see that God has so much more. We are asking for this one present... when actually he has a whole wall of presents for us that we haven't "opened" yet. We're not tapping into the blessings that He's given us. Louie pulled off a sheet and literaly there was a whole wall of gifts. Pretty gifts... big boxes, little boxes. And this is what has been stuck in my head and heart this week. I've been given so much already... how can I be asking for more?

But there's a flip side....

I've also been thinking about the "More Please" in another way this week. Through realizing that I have been given all these blessings from The GOD OF THE UNIVERSE!!!! It's made me want more of Him. The pastor at my church said on Sunday... "The more we get to know God, the more we love Him." (or something close to this, my notes are at home.) And that has been my hearts cry as well. I want More of Christ in my life. I know I'm not perfect... but I'm tired of this world. This world has nothing for me. (it's hard sometimes to admit, but oh so true) I want more of Christ. I want to love Him more and more everyday.

I feel like these kinda contradict each other. I need to be thankful for what I have and use the blessings I've been given... but I also want more of Jesus in my life.

Funny huh?

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Texas... Finally!

So my time in Texas ended up being wonderful. I was kinda nervous about the whole thing, but I realized that my heart is with my family. Not that that's where I need to be right now, but they have a piece of my heart. And there is a comfort that comes with being with family... no matter where you're at.

When I first got there Thurs night we had dinner in Dallas and drove into Athens that night. By the time we got there it was dark and I had NO IDEA where we were. (Big surprise right?) When I first walked into my parents town home all I could think... this stuff doesn't belong here. Everything around me was familiar, yet different. Needless to say I had mixed emotions about that. The next morning we got up and took our time getting ready. It was Jessi's b-day and my pretend one (mine was a week later and we were all together... one of my moms things to do). Then we went riding. And when I say riding... I mean we drove for HOURS and I don't think I saw the same piece of land twice. We saw where they are building the church. We saw Matt's land... and Cliff's land... and Cliffs dad's land... and this man they knows land... Needless to say we saw A LOT of land that day. We had lunch at this cute little shop in dtown Athens. And then it was time for fishin! Where my parents live in Texas there are a lot of lakes. I think it's even called the land of lakes or something. Mom correct me here. So we went to a Trout Fishery (where they raise trout I think). And we saw the UGLIEST cat fish. They were HUGE!!!!! And we fished and just hung out as a family. I caught a catfish!!! My dad had to take it off the hook of course... but still... I did it!!! =-)
We then went and saw the land my parents bought. I can't get over that they're building a house in a gated community. I know this is common for Texas... or Athens I think... but NOT in North Carolina where I'm from. Mom cooked a WONDERFUL dinner that night and had the best wine I think I've ever had and of course I can't find it here in VA. Then we opened presents and hung out.

Saturday was spent in Tyler at the zoo with my cousin and his family. He has 3 little girls and it was fun to see the zoo through their eyes. Then we came home and chilled as a family.

Sunday we went to church. I liked their church. Small, but nice. And then we had a long lunch with some family friends that I've known since I was 3 or 4. I love Mark and his family. Mark is like my big brother. I am so glad that if my parents have to be in Texas... at least they're with Mark and Lisa. And WOW... their kids have grown so much. It was so cool to see how mature they are. It's always weird when kids you've watched grow up become teenagers... there was a lot of that this weekend. =-) After lunch we all went home to take naps and do whatever... then Mark and Lisa and the kids came over to my parents house and we sat for hours talking about stuff. This was my favorite part of the weekend. Just sitting laughing... being with people I love. It was WONDERFUL!

Monday we spent the day shopping and driving into Dallas... It was D-day, the day of departure back to VA. We just spent even more time together... and then that night we flew back to g-boro. And I've already talked about the delays... man that wasn't fun!

The weekend was A LOT of together time. It was a lot of us doing things... or just just sitting talking... but we were TOGETHER. That was the best part.

I realized after my time in Texas... I don't hate Texas anymore. I don't love it... but I don't hate it either. Do I want to move there... not really. But do I want to be closer to my family? You'd better believe it!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

My Home....

or wherever that is... but this is my favorite home... even if it's not home anymore...

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I know... I promised but....

LIFE GOT CRAZY!!! I will write about Texas soon.... I PROMISE!

  • But right now I'm watching Biggest Loser and am getting ready to lose myself in my new book.
  • God has really touched my life through the story of Whitney Cerak. My family and I watched the special on Dateline while I was in Texas, and I've been blown away because of it ever since. I just got the book tonight and can't wait to get lost in it.
  • God is so good and is teaching me things like crazy! I had dinner with a good friend/family member tonight and it was so good to catch up on life and share our hearts with each other. So fun!!! And Faith crashed it for a little while and she's so great!! I love her so much!!!
  • My b-day was yesterday, and my sister surprised me by coming up to see me. (This made my day!!!!) Then my girls had a party for me at small group last night... it was so fun! We just talked and played games. I love those ladies.
  • AND... My good friend is getting ready to have her baby ANY MINUTE now!!! I'm so excited! I'm waiting for the phone call letting me know he's been born. COME ON JEREMIAH!!! I can't wait to meet you!
Have a great night!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Joys of Travel

I'm back!!! I got in late last night/early this morning. Something like 4am I believe. Our plane was delayed and didn't leave until close to 10pm (central time), which put us in Greensboro around 1:30am (eastern time). And with waiting to get the luggage, trying to find the ride to Overflow parking, then the drive to d-ville... It was a long night.

The original plan was for us to get in to g-boro at 11pm, then I would drop Jessi off in d-ville, then drive up to l-burg and make it to work today. That was BEFORE our plane was delayed for 3 hrs. I know... travel is all about being flexible, and you never know what could happen... but still... I was hoping for things to work out MY way. =-)

I ended up taking the day off today to catch up on rest and get unpacked. I'm glad I did. Jessi and I had lunch in a cute diner in d-ville then went home to take naps before I headed back to the burg. I'm now feeling rested and ready to head back into work tomorrow. I'm dreading it of course, but what's new. More details of the trip to come... I PROMISE!