Friday, September 5, 2008

life changes...

So much has happened lately...

Recently the company I've spent the past year of my life with cut 85 positions. I was one of the "lucky" ones that lost their jobs. All Marketing Assistants were let go, along with many others, including our General Manager.
The worst part was that our office was really small, (6 people), and very much a family. I have to keep reminding myself that it wasn't RRM that did this, but CBL Properties. Yay for corporations! For the most part we're keeping in touch. I had lunch with some of the family last week and this week I am babysitting for my old boss while her mom is on vacation.

The crazy thing is that since they let James and I go, the office has gone crazy. My old boss has quit and her last day is next Friday. The new GM (who is the GM at both VV and RRM) is polar opposite from James, and very much a micro-manager. There is so much junk going on there that it honestly makes me thankful to be out of there. I mean I would love to have a job, but I'm thankful to not have to deal with all the craziness.

So now I'm stuck at a major turning point in life. Stay or Go?!?!?!
My family at work has all assumed that I would just move to Texas right away... and while that is an option... a MAJOR option... I'm still praying through things.

I don't want to just jump into something here or there. So this is me.
I'll try to keep this thing updated with how things go... but come on... honestly... I stink at updating this so no promises. =-)